It takes a village to help grads transition from college to their careers!

Over the past decade, the Career Speaker Series has been used by groups, organizations, companies, and colleges to provide a relevant “value-added” benefit that increases dues payers, membership, member engagement, and member satisfaction.

We host weekly career and professional development lectures by top career authors. We’ll create a customized registration page for your organization to track member engagement and a dashboard to show ongoing participation. Your members can participate in the schedule events for free.

Contact us to learn how your organization can adopt this unique strategy!

Students & Grads

Two million grads enter the employment market each year competing for a limited number of jobs. Students and grads gain access to 36 hours of tips, skills, and strategies needed to launch their careers.

Career Centers

Research by NACE suggests 61 percent of graduating seniors will either NEVER visit the career center or only visit once or twice. Contact us to learn how your career center can participate in the Grad CareerFestival.

Alumni Associations

Studies show 58 percent of grads blamed their alma mater for NOT preparing them for their first professional job search. Contact us t learn how your alumni association can give grads a free ticket to the 36 hour conference as a graduation present to show grads their alma mater is committed to their careers.


The vast majority of students and grads have not invested time to learn the fundamental skills and knowledge they will need to launch their careers. We’d like to share your experience and knowledge with them.


You have a unique opportunity to offer free tickets to the Grad CareerFestival as a way to encourage students and grads to sign up for your products and services. Contact us for details!


Looking to hire talented students and grads. Offer student interns and new grad hires a free ticket to the Grad CareerFestival as a way to show them your firms commitment to help them l

Career Coaches

One of our primary goals of producing the Grad CareerFestival is to encourage students and grads to gain an understanding of the benefits a career coach can provide them. Contact us to learn how you can provide free tickets to the Grad CareerFestival to your clients.


You’ve invested a family fortune to ensure your son or daughter made it to graduation day. Contact your college career center or alumni association to see if they are signed up to provide their grads a free ticket to the Grad CareerFestival.